Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Let the sun shine!!

Frank has made some real good improvements in the last day or two and it feels like the sun is going to shine again!!! We had kind of forgotten what "normal" life was like after 30 days of illness and recovery. Yesterday we bid farewell to: the wound vacuum, the hospital bed and the home health care nurse. Today we said hello to: a "real" shower, driving the car, and 1/2 days back at work.
Amongst the long cloudy days of illness have come some very good things. To name a few: terrific children who have helped in so many ways, caring friends and family who called or sent their get well wishes, delicious meals brought in by kind neighbors, tearful and tender sharing of emotions and love, an appreciation for the little things, more fervent prayers, and improved perspectives and priorities.
We are so blessed to have Frank's health returning and to have the sun peek through the clouds!


Candice@The Fellas and I said...

Keith here.
Good. Now you can come to visit us. I'll keep the hurricanes at bay.
I'm glad dad is feeling better, maybe now he'll stop bitching.