Sunday, April 13, 2008

Graduation Day for Beth!!

It was a great day last Thursday, April 10th, when I officially graduated from LDS Business College with an Associates Degree in General Studies. With support and encouragement from my sweet Frankie, I enrolled and took classes every semester for three years. Though stressful at times it was well worth it!
Some of my favorites about this experience include: hanging out with young people, getting to steal a kiss from one of the faculty member (FRANK) between classes, learning things that I didn't know that I didn't know and wondering how I could have lived for so many years without knowing those things, taking a few classes with Brenna and Jared, discovering some new talents, and achieving the goal of graduating.
There were only two things that I didn't like about this experience: 1) Not having time or energy to pay attention to home and family details and 2) trying to figure out how in the world to wear that UGLY mortar board cap in an attractive way!!!
Now what am I going to do with this degree? It has already opened doors of opportunity for me at work and when I decide what I want to be when I grow up, I may just start working on a Bachelor's Degree!!!
Thank you, family, for all your support!!!


Candice@The Fellas and I said...

Congrats we are so proud! You've beaten us both to the finish line. You can celebrate by coming for a long overdue visit!

Anonymous said...

Hey, way to go! I didn't realize you were that close to finishing up! A big CONGRATS to you!

Aunt Ev and Uncle Wally