Due to kindness of a friend, we were able to orchestrate a great surprise for Keith. On our way to Randolph, I casually had him stop by my friends place. What he didn't know is that we had arranged to let him fish at my friend's private ponds. Katie arrived ahead of time with all the fishing gear. As we drove up the lane, Keith started to catch on and his excitement could hardly be contained. (Wish I had been able to take a picture of his reaction!)

Not only are the ponds amazing, but the setting and home are wonderful!

Remington made a friend with the resident kitty. Keith enjoyed a relaxing couple of hours fly fishing and Candice and I enjoyed watching him. It was pure joy to see him do what he so loves to do.

Even though no fish were successfully caught, they did bite and pulled until they broke two lines. As my friend says, at this time in the season, all the dumb fish have been caught and only the very smart and very big ones are left. Thank you, Skidmore's, for sharing your lovely place with us and helping to make it one of the best surprises ever!!!
I didn't know you knew the Skidmore's, Doug and I have been there many times fishing. I took Scott's son there and we caught a few fish. Wish we could have seen you when you were here.
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