We headed to Randolph the first weekend that Keith and Candice were here. We enjoyed the cool country air and had lots of fun.

Unbenounced to us, it was to be Rich High School homecoming weekend. We went to the parade and got to see it twice, once when it when up the road and again when it turned around and came back down the road. Remi happened to be dressed in Rebel Blue and in response their school colors, the kids on the floats threw him lots of candy.

Later in the day Jared arrived and we took a drive to Garden City/Bear Lake for some good burgers and raspberry shakes. A very clever rooster hangs around the outdoor tables and cleans up what ever hits the ground. How

Remington got some wiggles out at the Garden City town park and so did Jared. I bet he hasn't been on a swing for many, many years.

Jared brought the lawn game "ladder ball" up with him and we all really enjoyed playing it. Frank was particularly good at it. We recommend it to every one.

We discovered aother wonderful pass time... outdoor Guitar Hero. We were able to project it on the side of the garage and it was great fun. We lined up the lawn chairs and watched the game. It got plenty chilly and as the evening progressed more and more blankets found their way outside. We stayed outside until it was just too chilly. What a change for our Texas kids who seldom get to enjoy much time outdoors because of the hot and humid climate!

Keith, the "handyman", willingly helped up out with the back side of the house. He taught Frank and I how to install new windows and repaired some of the soffet and fascia.

Remington, the busy boy, was always on the move but sat still for a long, long time to play with sand, buckets and shovel. What a cutie!

We took an explorative drive up in the hills above Randolph. There we discovered a road called "Mine Street". Not surprisingly, the road lead us to signs like this one which says; "Danger. Open Mine. Stay Away. Bad air, unstable workings, verticla cliffs". We wisely chose not to take the side paths leading off the main road and up towards some old scaffoldings. The fun part of that exploration was to find that such things once existed. We always enjoy our new discoveries in and around Randolph.
All in all we had a great time, as always!
Oh man, that picture of Frank with the pretty sky in the background makes me long for those wide open spaces!
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