While visiting some of the attractions in Yellowstone it is easy to believe that we were standing on volcanic territory. Why? Black sand on the lake shores, steam rising from holes in the ground, mud boiling, water shooting out of the earth, smelly sulfur fumes, mounds of creamy color flows, etc. It really is a most remarkable place....and did I mention, it is beautiful?!!!
Old Faithful was very interesting. LOTs of people standing around in the raining waiting for the big geyser to blow.
Mammoth Hot Springs in the north part of the park was cool.
The bubbling, boiling ground really freaked me out! Adding to the weirdness were many signs posted to remind visitors to stay on the walk ways to avoid sinking into one of these hot pots.
As beautiful and heavenly as some of the park is, this area reminded me of hell! You know, fire and brimstone, continually burning but never consumed!!! It was an interesting contrast. This photo kind of captures both the beautiful (green rolling scenery in the background) and the beastly (hot, bubbling soil in the foreground).
Too bad you can't smell a picture but if you could you would be reminded of smoke bombs. Dallin pointed that out to us. He really enjoyed Dragons Breath which was a cave from which grey mud/water came out in waves, while deep inside exploding gasses made hissing and growling sounds, thus the name. It was rather eiry!!!
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