Being so close to the Montana border, we decided to jump it. We had dinner in the town of Gardiner. Not really much to see or do but we were glad to say that we have been to Montana!!!

This is the Roosevelt Arch right on the border into the Park. Just inside that arch was an elk grazing. That is Jared's Honda Pilot where we spend many wonderful hours driving around the parks. This car is THE MOST comfortable traveling car imaginable!!!

Just 5 miles into the park from Montana is Mammoth Hot Springs which used to be an Army Post and is now headquarters for the National Park Service within the park. It was fun to walk around and learn what a turn of the century soldier did while stationed here. I love this row of officers quarters.

There is a herd of elk who, regardless of time of year, are usually feeding obliviously to the crowds of visitors snapping their pictures.
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