Our new bathroom is 99% done!! It is a BIG improvement from what it was!
This is the only photo I can find for a "Before". The original bathroom was added to the house in approximately 1960-ish. It measured 4 ft wide by 9 ft long. There was a tub/shower and a toilet (which you can see in the corners of the photo). No sink. This photo shows what we found when we ripped the wall off. The dark hole under the tub is where the plumber had to crawl to change out the sewer pipes and add drains for the new sink and shower.

Here the room is starting to come back together after we gutted it down to the stubs with the help a talented friend of ours. He put in new walls, new flooring and installed a new shower. The walls shown here are water-proof "greenboard".

After 3 days of prepping in the walls with drywall compound, sanding and sanding some more, we primed and painted the ceiling and walls. Then primed the floor and laid the tile. Then the plumber completed the install of the sink and toilet.

More photos. All that's left is to place the molding on the ceiling and floor.

It feels so good to complete a project, especially one this major. Thank you, thank you to all who helped!!!
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