Five of us Sano's participated in one way or another. AJ ran the race with his relay team called the "Heavy Hoofers". This was their second year to participate. Jared drove one of the support vans for his friends on the "A- Team".

Frank, Katie and I volunteered at one of the exchange points from 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. All five of us had a BLAST!!! Here Frank checks off team numbers as the runner comes in to the exchange point and passes the baton to the next runner.

We took our dog, Fred, with us and it turned out that he was quite the popular fellow. Being a friendly guy, he was quick to let some of the runners take a turn rubbing his belly.

The line of support bans was pretty constant throughout the night as runners were dropped off at the exchange points, or went into the High School for dinner (which was served until 4 a.m.!), or took a shower at the High School or slept on the grass. It is hard to explain the incredible amount of organization and coordination that takes place by many, many people! It is a great experience in team work!

This photo was taken by Jared at about sunrise (5:30 a.m.) of one of the runners on his team. It captures the solitude, beauty and peace that running must bring to so many!
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