Posted by Sano Family at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Our new bathroom is 99% done!! It is a BIG improvement from what it was!
This is the only photo I can find for a "Before". The original bathroom was added to the house in approximately 1960-ish. It measured 4 ft wide by 9 ft long. There was a tub/shower and a toilet (which you can see in the corners of the photo). No sink. This photo shows what we found when we ripped the wall off. The dark hole under the tub is where the plumber had to crawl to change out the sewer pipes and add drains for the new sink and shower.
Posted by Sano Family at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Dear Bridgie Boo,
Once again Mama is a day late, sorry:)
You've had an interesting month. You have become very, very clingy. The cute aspect of that is that you have started to reach for us, which melts our hearts.
You are really good at scooting backwards. You have crawled forward but it's not your favorite thing to do. You love buttons and anything that makes noise.
You LOVE being outside. Grandpa Dearden likes to take you out back and to sit under the shade. You had your first ride in a swing.
And you give us you biggest smiles when your bouncing on the trampoline at Grandma & Grandpa Dearden's.
Daddy loves having you lay in the hammock with him.
You've started to notice when daddy leaves and you don't like it. You're becoming quite a daddy's girl. You even sleep in the same positions as him.
Mama thought this was cute because daddy often has his leg bent like this:
You have 2 teeth which seem to fascinate you. You are always playing with them. Unfortunately, this resulted in your first diaper rash.
You had a bad cold this month. It was hard for mom & dad to watch you go through it but you passed on your cold to them so they could understand your pain better.
You're more challenging now but your also more fun. You still bring a smile to us every time we look at you.
Love you,
Posted by Brenna at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Grandma and Grandpa Sano love it when Remington comes to town.
Posted by Sano Family at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Candice, Remi and I took a drive down to Provo to see Great-grandpa Clawson. This was their first meeting. Being the gentleman that he is, Remington was very generous with the handshakes and smiles.
Posted by Sano Family at 8:17 AM 0 comments
We celebrated Ty's first birthday on Sunday. It was a wonderful, wild, noisy celebration with cousins and toys and yummy cake!
Posted by Sano Family at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Ahhhhh! There is something wonderful about a hammock in the shade on a warm, sunny day! Fred doesn't seem to mind keeping Frank company while he takes an afternoon snooze.
Posted by Sano Family at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Cute little Ethan-man!! He loves this Army hat and knows that it makes his ears stick out extra far. I caught him tucking his ears in but then took off the hat and announced, "I like to wear it this way!" Good for you, little man! Wear it your way!! We love you!
Posted by Sano Family at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Bridget smiles so cute but every time I go to snap a picture the blinking red light of the flash seems to make her stop smiling and look inquisitively at the camera instead. Oh, well! This shot gave us a good peek at her first tooth. Can you see it there on the bottom?
Posted by Sano Family at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sano Family at 12:33 PM 0 comments