Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Happiness is a Serious Problem" by Dennis Prager

Years ago Keith gave me this book which I have read, re-read and thought about a lot over the years. I had miss placed it and was so happy to lay my hands on it again. I want to share a few thoughts from it:
1. We owe it to our husband/wife, co-workers, children, friends and our God to be as happy as we can be. It is a moral obligation. This is not to say that we can't share occasional sadness, discouragement, etc. But we owe it to other in our lives to learn to be mostly happy.
2. Unhappiness is easy - happiness takes work. This may come as a surprise. We think that it should come automatically through no effort on our part but that is not so. Happiness is largely, though certainly not entirely, determined by us - through hard work in controlling our nature and through attaining wisdom/developing attitudes that keep us from despair.
3. Seek to do good and find good. Reaching outside of ourselves to do good to others brings more peace and happiness to us. Make others happy and you will be happy. Look for the good in every situation and person. Turn lemons into lemonade.
Finally, remember this: "Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God".
Okay, thanks for listening. I feel happy having thought and rambled on a little bit about happiness. If anyone wants to borrow the book, I would be happy to share, but I want it back. It is one of my favorites.
Love you all,


Candice@The Fellas and I said...

Bravo, I am glad you enjoy the book. He wrote another one called Think a Second Time. It is a book of essays that is awesome. Also he has a happiness hour every Friday during the second hour of his broadcast.