Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Beautiful, Precious Day!!

What a wonderful day we had as we witnessed Mike and Brenna's family be sealed for time and eternity in the Salt Lake Temple! Bridget was a perfect angel. She was the center of attention in and out of the temple. Here are a few pictures that capture the joy.

Katie and Her Dad

Can you just tell how funky and fun their relationship is?!!? They are quite entertaining to be around!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ty - Four Months

This little man started out so tiny and now he is a chunky monkey!!! He is so cute and looks very much like his daddy. He is full of smiles and gets loads of attention from his adoring brothers and sister. What a sweet little man he is!

"Happiness is a Serious Problem" by Dennis Prager

Years ago Keith gave me this book which I have read, re-read and thought about a lot over the years. I had miss placed it and was so happy to lay my hands on it again. I want to share a few thoughts from it:
1. We owe it to our husband/wife, co-workers, children, friends and our God to be as happy as we can be. It is a moral obligation. This is not to say that we can't share occasional sadness, discouragement, etc. But we owe it to other in our lives to learn to be mostly happy.
2. Unhappiness is easy - happiness takes work. This may come as a surprise. We think that it should come automatically through no effort on our part but that is not so. Happiness is largely, though certainly not entirely, determined by us - through hard work in controlling our nature and through attaining wisdom/developing attitudes that keep us from despair.
3. Seek to do good and find good. Reaching outside of ourselves to do good to others brings more peace and happiness to us. Make others happy and you will be happy. Look for the good in every situation and person. Turn lemons into lemonade.
Finally, remember this: "Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God".
Okay, thanks for listening. I feel happy having thought and rambled on a little bit about happiness. If anyone wants to borrow the book, I would be happy to share, but I want it back. It is one of my favorites.
Love you all,

Vote Now!!

Oh, Remington!!!! How could we not make time to vote after seeing your pleading eyes and adorable shirt!! You are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!
Keith and Candice - Thanks for the reminder and for using your cute son to send the message. He is too cute! As a side note, is he sitting in a custom hand crafted chair? Was it made by his very own dad? If so, I am impressed!!
To all our other readers/viewers - You must visit Keith and Candice's Blog where you will find even more pics of photogenic Remington and news of our Texas kids!!!

Tending Bridget

We had a great time tending Bridget last Tuesday. Mom and Dad went to the temple and Grandma and Grandpa Sano played with the little doll. She was an angel!! It is so fun to watch this new family grow. We are proud of all three of you!!! We love ya!

Friday, October 24, 2008


I haven't been very good about taking pictures but I'm going to try to do better.

When Mike comes home from work he loves to take a nap with his girls. Don't worry, we're careful to put her in her bed before both of us fall asleep.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Won't someone come and swing with me?


Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Family Sano

We had a privilege of attending AJ's ward today to see Dallin and Mia participate in the Primary program titled "I Am a Child of God". Mia sang all the songs with the rest of the children and Dallin gave a talk. We are so proud of both of them. It was fun to see Ethan sing along from his seat with us in the congregation. Needless to say, we found ourselves wiping away a few tears as the children sang some beautiful songs. We couldn't pass up a chance to get a family photo after the meeting.

Bridget - Making Faces

Thought our viewers would enjoy a few more recent shots of Bridget. She and Mom are doing well. They went home from the hospital today. They are both doing well. So is Daddy Mike. Ain't she a cutie!!!

Dad Clawson's Birthday Party

We have started a sort of tradition of having a birthday gathering during the month of October in celebration of my Dad's birthday. Since his stroke last year he is not able to get out and visit us like he used to and we don't get to see him as much as we would like. This was the second such to-do that gives us a chance to bring the whole fam-damily together. We arrange to use the church building across the street from Dad's house where there is lots of room to spread out and move around. Dad seems to enjoy the "organized confusion". We had a nice time. This is a pic of Dad with seven of his eight kids. Standing: Becky, Beth , Chey, Melanie, Merri. Seated: Barb, Dad, Cory. Lacey is missing from the photo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More Photos of Baby Bridget

Look at that gorgeous hair!! It was lovingly styled into a "Prom Do" by Brenna's friend who works in the nursery. Complete with a bow/ribbon!
Those are Brenna's hands in this picture but we been asked to wait a day or so to take photos of the new Momma. She would like to freshen up first!! I have been told that Bridget was looking around and taking in the scenery earlier today but by the time I got there with the camera she was ready for a nap. Grandma Sano is very, very happy to squeeze her newest grandbaby. What a joy it is to hold that precious bundle!! I can't get enough of baby hugs and kisses. Thank you, Brenna and Mike, for providing us with such a blessing! We are proud of you both.
Aunt Laura and Grandma Vivian Dearden meet their first grand baby. There is lots of smiling going on around Bountiful today!!!

Ta-da!!!!! Presenting.... Bridget Grace Dearden!

Our First Glimpse of Bridget
Smile for the camera!
Baby bath time.
Cleaning Up
Holding Hands
The proud papa!
She is here. The little star was born on Thursday, Oct 16, at 5:45 a.m. She weighed in at 5 lbs 10 oz 19 inches long. Momma Brenna, gave it her all but in the end had to have a Ceasarean. She is resting and doing well. Enjoy the pictures. More to follow.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Our first earthquake experience happened this past weekend in Randolph. At about 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Frank was in the kitchen and I was in the living room. I felt the floorboards shake and thought that Frank had fallen or dropped something big in the kitchen. At the same time, he hollered to see if I felt something.
Frank mentioned the word "earthquake" but I reassured him by blaming it on some blasting taking place a the mines on the Wyoming side of the nearby mountain range.
The next morning, as we tuned the radio for a snow advisory, we were surprised to hear the reporter say that there had been a 3.3 earthquake in Rich County, Utah near the town of Randolph the night before!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Next Time

Though AJ and Jared tried applying guilt, I was unable to make the family-favorite General Conference Cinnamon Rolls. I hope that you won't hold it against me. I promise that next April I will be more organized and prepare ahead of time to uphold this long standing family tradition.

Katie and the folks at Rhodes Dough will fill in for me this time.

I must admit that I take the guilt trip as a compliment that you think of cinnamon rolls when you think of General Conference.