A stream of our very own trick-or-treaters visited our home on Halloween night. Even Jared's dog, Dupree, got into the spirit of the night! As always, fresh, hot, doughnuts helped to lure them over. We have been making spudnuts ever year for more than 20 years. It is alot of work but so much fun as we share them with family, neighbors and friends.

Remington dressed as Dwight Schrute from "The Office". Candice even entered his photo on the official website and should find out soon if Remi won the prize for the most popular Dwight costume.

If you are an "Office" fan you will recognize Marshall as Mose, Dwight's cousin. Marshall is making his scary face for the camera. The boys trick-or-treated till they dropped...they fell asleep while Candice was putting their p.j.'s on them.

Katie got in the spirit of things too as Bat Girl. She looked great as she headed off to a mascarade party.

Brenna, Mike and Bridget visited also. Bridget was dressed in her Disney's "Tangled" princess dress. Check out the cute way Brenna decorated Bridget's treat bucket to match her dress. Brenna designed and made her own costume which makes subtle mention of the upcoming addition to their family. She is so clever and creative!!!
Halloween temperatures reached into the upper 60's but then we woke up this morning to cold, foggy, rainy weather. It even snowed just to make sure that we know it is November and winter is on the way!!
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