In case you didn't know, a glazier is one who cuts and installs glass in windows or doors. Today, Frank officially became one.

One of my "pet" projects since we bought the Randolph place was to make the back garage/porch/large lean-to into a usable space. We are not sure what the original creator of the space had in mind when he built it but I have a vision of it eventually being used as a summer porch. It needed eaves repaired (did that last Summer, thanks to Keith), garage door (hopefully this year), and window replacements. There are/were 10 old, recycled windows, most of which were either completely missing or in deplorable condition. We began our project....

My darling hubby is so clever! To save $$$, he went to the thrift store and bought cheap, used picture frames, removed the glass and cut them to size. Cutting glass is a little tricky, it takes a certain amount of talent. You have to hold the cutter at the right angle, apply just the right amount of pressure so it makes a "singing" sound, then tap the cut with the end of the cutting tool.

When done just right, the cut piece snaps right off!! What a clever, clever glazier is my Frankie!!! I am so proud of him.
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