In case you didn't know, a glazier is one who cuts and installs glass in windows or doors. Today, Frank officially became one.

In case you didn't know, a glazier is one who cuts and installs glass in windows or doors. Today, Frank officially became one.
Posted by Sano Family at 8:01 PM 0 comments
This was a first for Ty and Bridget. They were both over to our house and it was fun to watch them share and play together. We all want Remi to some day be near enough to join the play group!!
We thought Remi would enjoy this picture of Ty and Bridget playing with the same "Tick-Tock Clock" that he received as a gift from his new baby brother.
Posted by Sano Family at 7:30 AM 2 comments
He's doing great! Eatin', burpin', tootin', poopin'. sleepin' and eatin', burpin', tootin', etc, etc.
Here is his mad face accompanied by a healthy set of lungs.
Daddy is such a softy when it comes to babies and little kids....shhhhhh...don't tell him I said so.
What a sweet little man, this Marshall is! Each time that I have been over to see him he has opened his eyes for me and looked around. Welcome to the family, little man!
Posted by Sano Family at 1:54 PM 1 comments
What a choice privilege it is to spend some great time with Remington. He is a delight! He is getting a little more used to the idea of a little brother. He held him for about 5 seconds today...that was enough! He would rather hide in the built-in wardrobe closet in Mom's hospital room or play the "blow up the rubber glove game" with his Dad.
Most mornings we take a walk to the nearby park. He really enjoys the sand and knows just what to do with his birthday gift of beach toys.
Funny how quick boys find out how much fun dirt can be!! Speaking of boy Remington saw his dog Niles go over to a pile of leaves, pause, lift his leg and....well, you know. Remi followed Niles to the pile of leaves, Remi paused and leaned to the side and lifted his leg, too, then went on his way. What great entertainment a toddler can provide!!!
The jungle gym is fun, too! Thanks, Remi, for taking Grandma to the park!! I have so much fun with you.
Posted by Sano Family at 1:41 PM 0 comments
He is here and he is a keeper...for sure!! Weighing in at a full pound heavier than Remington was...he is a solid little man. He has a double chin already and thigh creases!!
Remington is not sure about this new creature yet but Marshall had a big brother special present waiting for him at the hospital which went over very well. Keith is a proud, proud papa. Candice is doing real well under the skilled care of the hospital staff. She feels good and is very happy that Marshall has already taken to nursing.
This little love has the cutest lips! We love how they tuck up and under his top lip. He has a cleft chin and an adorable round face. His hair is lighter and less than big brother's was. We are so happy he is here. You can check the blog daily for more pictures. Can you tell that this is a very happy grandma!!!
Posted by Sano Family at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Marshall weighed in at 8 lbs, 5 oz. 21 1/2 inches long. He and Mom are doing fine. Rem and I are going to go see them in an hour or so. He is adorable!!!
Posted by Sano Family at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Still waiting for the new addition. Tomorrow is the big day! While Mom and Dad went to the hospital to pre-register, Rem and Grandma played.
Recycling an empty Pampers box into a make-shift Easter basket, we hid and hunted for eggs...
...then did a little digging....walked to the park to swing, climb and dig somemore...
He doesn't seem to mind a new grown-up to play with.
The family of three. We have a strategic plan for getting pictures posted as soon a possible of family member #4. We can hardly wait!!!
Posted by Sano Family at 1:21 PM 0 comments