Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Slow Season

I just realized I haven't blogged for quite a while. Sorry to our blog followers. It is not that we haven't been busy...seems like every weekend is fully loaded with to-do's.

We typically take on an indoor home improvement project during the winter. This year we are freshening the basement rooms. Last weekend we painted the family room. It turned out GREAT eventually. As we got started we found the paint to be the consistency of water so we returned it. This gave us the lucky chance to choose a different shade of yellow which looks wonderful!!! Really brightens the room. Frank and I love to do home improvement projects together . We find the oldies station on the radio and hum/sing along. I do the cutting in of the edges and corners and Frank does a great job at rolling the paint on the big surfaces. What a great team we make!!! But as we have "aged" we find that we have to rely on the heating pad, Tylenol and a soak in the tub to keep our stiffened joints and achy muscles quiet!!! Despite the pain, it is still one of our favorite pastimes.


cory said...
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cory said...

That is just the way we paint too- and that was how my mom and dad painted! It must be tradition- or maybe the girls are more detail- oriented, or just pickier!