I am here!!! Yeah!! Great weather followed me. We have enjoyed sitting outside in the back yard for two days...rain is forecast for the next couple of days...so we are taking advantage while we can.
Remington has been a very hospitable fellow and seems to like me. Hopefully he will still like me when Mom and Dad disappear to the hospital in a couple more days. We will get some good "granding" time together (grandma with grandson).
Rem is a natural with a shovel, a good look in to his future on his Dad's dream farm.
There is always good food to be had while visiting in Texas. As a birthday surprise for Keith, Papa Frank made and sent a big batch of Christmas Eve-style fish sauce. It traveled well in its frozen state in my suitcase. All we had to do was thaw, heat and eat...yum-yum. It was a well received surprise!!Check out this fabulous looking and incredible tasting Carmel Apple Pie that Keith made!! Just fill the pie crust with Granny Smith apples, add the lattice top and pour on a homemade carmel sauce and bake. Served with Butter Pecan ice cream it was indescribable!!!
When the time is right (Rem is not napping and the doggies are outdoors) Keith takes time to practice on his bagpipes. (They are a "little" noisy.) He is getting real good and is able to practice most of time on an electronic chanter using head phones. Well done, son!! Take a minute to listen to this short clip.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Time in Texas
Posted by Sano Family at 3:07 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday Dinner
When Frank cooks....the kids come!!! Frank put on quiet a spread on Sunday. There is something in his blood that gives him a passion for cooking (that and lovely new pots that he got for his birthday!!) This week the menu included Antipasto platter, Meat Lasagna, a delicious pasta and seafood dish, steamed asparagus, a German Pot Roast with vegetable gravy and roasted potatoes. All this he made "just in case somebody was hungry"!! Anyway, the food was TERRIFIC and we got to see our precious Utah grands. Bridget was a bit sober - most pictures show ear-to-ear smiles - but this one caught her in a more serious mood.
Dallin, AJ and Ethan always enjoy Grandpa Franks good cookin'!
The Lad and his Dad. I marvel at how much Ty looks like AJ did when he was a baby.
Aunt Katie and Princess Mia. Maybe someday, when the family gets together, Keith's family won't be quite so far away....we have our fingers crossed. I am feeling very lucky because this time next week I will be with our Texas kids to welcome our seventh grandbaby!
Posted by Sano Family at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Grandma Brown's Adventure
I am happy to report that my Mom is recovering nicely from open heart surgery a week ago. She needed to have a valve replaced and a hole in her heart repaired. Wonderful doctors, nursing staff and hospital have helped her to an amazing recovery. She still has several weeks of recouperating but it is such a miracle!!
It was a blessed experience to unite with my siblings, family and friends to provide support and encouragement to her through her ordeal. Mom's "dark gift" provided us kids with the chance spend lots of time together.
Posted by Sano Family at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Grandkids are the Greatest!!!
Last Wednesday we had the chance to play with all of our Utah grandkids. Bridget came to my work for a little while while Bridget & Mike went to an appointment. She was a perfect little lady and won the hearts of my co-workers.

Posted by Sano Family at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Slow Season
Posted by Sano Family at 12:36 PM 2 comments