AJ and Cami attended their annual company party and we had the pleasure of tending the kids.

As always, we had a good time! Here the kids pose for some silly, wacky face pictures. We also decorated gingerbread men and snow man cookies, read Christmas books and watched Christmas videos.

Mia LOVES Pastina! Thanks to Frank's cousin, Lisa, who mailed us the hard-to-find pasta, she was able to eat to her hearts content. The other kids really like it too, but Mia is the one who jumps up and down at the prospect of a big bowl of buttered "stars".

Darling Ethan had fun setting up our kid-friendly nativity sets. He is a pistol! He keeps us laughing. We will have to tell you what happens after he says, "Now for the Cowabunga!!".

Here is a rare look from Ty. Usually he gives us an average camera face, but this wrinkly-nose pose was unique. We love the opportunity to fill our house with giggles, chatter and angel-prints. We love these precious gifts that we have received from our children!!!
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