We had the privilege of playing with Mia, Ethan and Ty while AJ, Cami and Dallin took a business/birthday trip to Florida. After the business was completed they were able to spend some time with Nana and celebrate Dallin's 11th birthday in the process.
The fall leaves provided hours of entertainment as Mia and Ethan raked, jumped, threw and arranged the leaves to make pretend "rooms" in a leaf house.

Ethan is a cowboy at heart. One evening he "roped" the wooden rocking horse and tied it to the chair while we ate dinner. We got quite a chuckle out of his playful imagination.

At Uncle Jared's house is an "old fashioned" swingset, complete with "old fashioned" sliding board. Ty and Ethan LOVE it!! His backyard is incredibly kid friendly, completely fenced, nice soft grass, etc. It is funny how the new fangled kids contraptions sometimes pall compared to the good old time versions. Thanks, Uncle Jared, for letting us come play in your wonderful backyard.

Ty likes going up the slide instead of down!

Ty and Fred got to be good friends.... I wonder why?!
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