We have just completed a project that we have been wanting to do for years....the removal of several large trees in the front and back of our house. This is the "before" picture.......

....this is the "after" picture. No doubt, twenty years ago, when they were planted, they provided a nice little grove of saplings. But then they grew and grew and grew into a very large, very leafy, very messy forest! They were Cottonwood Trees...you know the kind that give off that very fine, very allergenic, very annoying cotton-fluff.

We hired "Pete", our Tongan landscaper, to chop the trees down. We think he got more work than he bargained for. He took three loads to the dump!! Usually he yanks the stumps out but these would not budge! We decided we would deal with the stumps. This was the largest of the three. It was about 2-1/2 feet in diameter.

All it took was a rented Stump Grinder and Jared's muscle power (as well as his strength, strong back and determination) and three hours of continuous grinding to get the job done! Well done, Jared!!!

Now, we are faced with the BIG decision on what would be best to plant in our newly tilled soil!!! Any ideas?
That's good to know that you can rent a stump grinder- We have a tree to cut down this summer!
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