Wow. Remington totally looks like his Grandpa. It is unbelievable. It's weird to see your own features in a baby. It's like a minnie me. On a side note, lets see some posts from other people please. I don't like dominating the blog.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Frank's baby pic
Posted by Candice@The Fellas and I at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Remington vs. Keith
Posted by Katie at 7:49 PM 1 comments
I'm in Florida!!!
I have been in Florida for the past few days and am flying home tomorrow. Much to the dismay of mom, I haven't taken any pictures. Hopefully I'll squeeze one in before I go tomorrow. We have been relaxing, eating, laying by the pool (despite the clouds and rain), and been watching T.V. It's been wonderful being here with Nana and Jimmy. Last night we went to an Italian restaurant for Easter with the whole Platina gang. Today we had a rack of ribs at a great BBQ joint, and then I watched Nana and Jimmy gamble their pennies away. It was great fun!!!
Posted by Katie at 7:04 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Beautiful Spring day in Spring, Texas
From Beth: (Who is that old lady in these pictures?!) Keith and I went on a little field trip today to the little town of Spring. It is a tiny town with lots of old clapboard houses-turned-boutiques and shops. We indulged in Crawfish, fried dill pickles and green tomatoes. So yummy! While we were gone Candice and Rem rested and now we are making pizza for dinner. I have had such an incredibly wonderful time and am already planning my next trip to see my Texas Kids!
Posted by Sano Family at 6:26 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Welcome Katie
Katie is here! She is holding the little one as I type. She is on her way to see Nana. We are jealous.
Posted by keith at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ahhhhh! So cute!!!
From Beth:Everyone needs to see some of the cuteness that I see every hour while I am here in Kingwood. I am so glad for blogspots that will help us watch as Remington grows up.
It is great visiting with Keith and Candice. We have been doing some sewing of valances in the nursery, mending, etc. We have watched some movies, eaten yummy food, and, of course, google constantly over Remington.
The pups, Niles and Baxter, are adjusting real well to their new "brother" Remington. They have been a little curious about this creature who gets alot of attention and makes funny squeaking noises.
The weather here is very interesting. One day incredibly hot (80 degrees) and humid, the next day rainy, and then the next clear, cool and perfect. Today is one of the later. We may take a walk later and enjoy it. Katie flies through tomorrow on her way to Florida and has a 3 hour layover. Perfect amount of time for Keith to pick her up and bring her over to the house for lunch and a visit with Remington.
Life is good here in Kingwood. I am lovin' it!!!!
Posted by Sano Family at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Oh that Remington!
The kid has found his voice. He screamed all night long. Candice is the best. She comforted him as I slept. I feel kind of bad. Hopefully he will be off the light box soon. He always gets upset when we put him down to sleep on it. He loves being swaddled. We got a "swaddle me" made by Kiddopotamus. He loves it. I recommend it to any parent of a newborn. We are having a blast with Mom in town. Hope everyone will use this sight and post pics. Later family.
Posted by Candice@The Fellas and I at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Rejoicing with Remington!

Humidity is not my friend but once the rain comes and cools things off it is quite pleasant outside. If I didn't live in Utah, I think I would choose Texas.
Posted by Sano Family at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Keith was here
Hello all. How's everyone. Congrats to Brenna and Mike for the good news. I hope it's a boy. Remington needs a punching bag when he gets older. Have you picked names yet? AJ and Cam, I love the name Morgan if that is still what you are leaning towards. What ever happened to the name Sinjin. You used to love that name AJ. I find it funny that dad shot down the name we liked, Bear. The guy that named his kid A thought the name Bear is absurd. Interesting. Katie, I hear you are an All Star teacher. Can't wait to see you as you pass through Houston. We are doing great, the kid had jaundice but is better now. His schedule is sleep, cry, eat, cry, diaper change, repeat. He's awesome. I'm glad he'll have some cousins to play with. We are enjoying Moms company. She is the easiest guest.
Posted by Sano Family at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Hello all!
Keith here. I set this blog up at Mom's request. Hopefully we can stay in touch better this way. Feel free to post. Later.
Posted by Sano Family at 2:57 PM 0 comments