Friday, August 28, 2009

The Babies are Growing Up!

Our 2008 babies are getting sooo big! Remington (17 months) enjoyed an outing to the Houston Children's Museum. He is bringing his parents for a visit to Utah in a few weeks and we can't wait to see them!!!

Bridget is crawling and almost walking now that she is 10 1/2 months old. This silly smile shows off her two bottom teeth and she just sprouted the first top tooth.

Ty (14 months) spotted an empty box of which there are many at our house because of all the moving in and outs. He knew just what to do with it, climb in and go for an Ethan-propelled ride. These three little ones have brought so much joy to our family!!!

Funny, funny Fred

This pup keeps us entertained! He likes being outside but likes to watch us through the window. Here he is perched on a potted plant! I guess it offers him a better view!
He has quite the daily routine which goes something like this:
5:30 a.m. Wakes up in his kennel which is in our room and begins to make small wimpering sounds until we let him out and he jumps up on our bed to stretch and have is belly rubbed.
6:00 a.m .he goes out side to "do his duty", then eats breakfast and plays with us while we get ready for work.
7:30 a.m. goes for a walk (most days) then into his kennel while we are at work for the day.
4:00 p.m. he goes outside for "duty" and to play. He loves to chase the ball or a frisbee. Sometimes he gets so energetic that he just races around and around the yard in circles!
6 p.m. he eats dinner and hangs out with us all evening or spends time outside. He goes into his kennel when we go to bed and we start all over the next day.
We are so glad that we kennel trained him! He likes it and we love not worrying about what trouble he might get into while we are away. We put a kennel in the car when we travel and he is good as gold in it.
Thanks for the fun Fred!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Jared - The Homeowner!

We are so thrilled for Jared and the purchase of his first home. He found a gem!He purchased it from a widow who, with her husband built and lovingly cared for the home for 40 years. It has some wonderful and unique features. With 4 bedrooms 2-1/2 baths, 2 family rooms and a great fenced yard, Jared can enjoy it for years to come. I can almost picture his little kids playing on the swingset in the back yard!!!
It is ready to move in to right now but he will probably be anxious to remove some of the flowery wall paper and paint some of the rooms a color other than pink. Way to go Jared!!! We are so happy for you!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby Bridget Goes Bye-bye

Bridget and her folks have moved away. G'ma and G'pa Sano will miss them being close enough for daily hugs and kisses and sights like these. I love this smile that fills her entire face!
Watching her exploring!

Some moments of seriousness!
The joy of watching her learn new pulling up on furniture. I predict she will be walking by the end of September.
We love you guys and will miss seeing you each day but we will see you as often as possible. Have fun in your new location with lots of room for Bridget to roam!!

What a Wonderful World!!

It is hard to capture the beauty of the things we saw while in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks. A picture can't share the smells, sounds, feel, etc. of these beautiful sights.

It is awe inspiring to behold! God creations are unmatched in granduer and majesty.

Oooooooooooooooo! Ahhhhhhhhh!

Wow- wee!!!

Old Faithful and the Old Faithful Inn

On a very rainy day, we arrived at Old Faithful Geyser and only had to wait about 10 minutes before it erupted. Lots and lots of people were standing nearby waiting for the famous event which happens about every 40-45 minutes.

Because it was raining so hard we quickly darted into this magnificent old inn, built in the late 1800's. I was fascinated by the architecture. It reminded me of the castle on Disney's "Beauty & the Beast".

Isn't this cool?!!!

Even the taxi's are quaint!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


My name is Keith mini...