Monday, June 30, 2008
Handcarts, Ho!!

Posted by Sano Family at 10:45 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
AJ Runs in the Wasatch Back Relay
Posted by Sano Family at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
We Miss You Guys

There are some of my favorite pics of our visit to Randolph. The 4-wheeler was so fun (thanks, Kate!). It was great to spend some quiet time and enjoy the fresh, clean air of Rich County. Rem was a great sport to be the first of my grandkids
Posted by Sano Family at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Ty Photo Gallery
Grandma Sano gets to hold our new little fella! Oooooo, he is so tiny!
Mom and Dad are surprised and happy to have a June baby instead of a July baby.
Handsome Papa AJ. The boys out number the girls at his house.
Yep, that's a Sano baby!!
Posted by Sano Family at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hail, hail the gang's all here!!!
The Proud Grandpa!! For the time being, we can title this: Frank and his Fabulous Five Grandkids!!
What a great time we had this evening when all 15 of us got together for a Father's Day celebration. Keith served up his tasty smoked brisket with all the trimmings. He got up at 4 a.m. to get the smoker fired up, ready and cooking. Everybody pitched in to make it a great evening. AJ and Cami brought their new baby Ty for his first visit to Grandpa and Grandma Sano's house. Keith, Candice and Rem are winding up a wonderful week+ visit to Utah. Uncle Jared provided the little kids with his usual dose of teasing and tossing. Katie beat Mom at Guitar Hero, and so did everyone else! Brenna and Mike got lots of practice holding and handling little babies.
Could there be anything more rewarding for a parent than having all of the children in one place, sharing good food, playing, talking and enjoying one another's company. It is surely a glimpse of heaven!
Happy Father's Day, Frankie-O!! We honor you for all that you have done to take care of us physically, emotionally and spiritual for all these years. You are the best and we love you!
Posted by Sano Family at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Remington Comes to Town!!!
This is a week of firsts.....Reminton's first plane
ride, first visit to his grandparents, first trip to Randolph, first time meeting his cousins, and the list goes on and on!!
He was an excellent plane passenger and earned 6 puppies and a pony for his good behavior.
Here Remington and Ty pose for their first photo together. It is hard to believe that they are just 3 months apart in age. In a year or so they will be more similar in size. What a funny grin on Remington's face!
Remington takes a bath in Randolph. He is such a water-baby and loves to play and kick in the water. Candice says it is his favorite time of day and probably the secret to his good nights sleep.
Posted by Sano Family at 12:49 PM 1 comments
The Families!
AJ's family has grown! That's biggest brother Dallin with the funny smile, Mom Cami with baby Ty, Dad AJ with big sister, Mia and big brother, Ethan. We told Cami that she is a perfect candidate for having 8 or 10 kids - easy pregnancy, easy delivery, easy recovery!!! What a trooper!!
Keith's family is in town for a visit and, surprise!, Remington gets a new baby cousin!! Great timing for the whole fam-dammily to be together. It is wonderful to have Candice and Keith here. They probably feel like ragdolls being pulled in every possible direction by all of their adoring family and friends. Thus are the hazards of being so awesome and fun to be around!
Posted by Sano Family at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Look at my cute, cute grandkids!!
What a lucky girl I am! Today I got to hold all my grandbabies at one time! Keith and Candice brought Remington to town for his first visit and Ty decided to join the fun by arriving a month early giving me this great photo opportunity. And to think that by the end of the year there will be one more to add to this picture when Brenna has her baby.
Really and truly, I absolutely love being a grandma and watching my kids with their kids. It is one of the joys of life!!
Posted by Sano Family at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Welcome Little Baby Ty!
Ty is here! Born on 6/7/08 weighing 5 lbs. 12 oz. 18 inches long. He surprised us by arrive a month early. His brothers and sisters are very happy to have him here, and so are we!
Cami is doing well and looks as good as ever. She is up and taking care of her cute family already. Her mom, Portia, described Ty as a "Sano" baby and readily admits that AJ brought the dominate gene to the pool!
We love you Ty. Welcome to the family!
Posted by Sano Family at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
JK Rowlings speech to Harvard graduates
Posted by Sano Family at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Way to Wear Them Out at Kangeroo Zoo
Posted by Sano Family at 8:07 AM 0 comments